Hours of Operation:
Tues-Fri: 9AM - 6PM
Graston Soft Tissue Technique
This treatment is meant to help shorten recovery time, decrease inflammation, and reorganize fibrotic tissues from both new and past injuries to promote better functionality.

Graston is typically performed using a metal tool that is scraped across the skin with the help of a water-based emollient. This treatment is meant to help shorten recovery time, decrease inflammation, and reorganize fibrotic tissues from both new and past injuries to promote better functionality.
With any musculoskeletal injury, the body goes through a natural recovery process characterized by inflammation and proliferation. Natural inflammation is the bodies way of cleaning out any damaged cells while the proliferation phase is responsible for laying down new tissue.
With Graston we aim to guide these new fibers in a way that facilitate proper glide and motion within the targeted tissue. We want to make sure you continue to have proper ROM after recovery as decreased functionality can lead to compensation and chronic injuries down the line.